Walla Walla County Comprehensive plan periodic update


Walla Walla County


Walla Walla County, Washington

The Watershed Company, as prime consultant, led the periodic update of Walla Walla County’s comprehensive plan required under Washington’s Growth Management Act. In the early stages of the project, Watershed helped the County to select its overall population projection, as well as the population growth targets for its component jurisdictions. Watershed also helped the County to prepare a land capacity analysis assessing the ability of its component jurisdictions to accommodate their growth targets. Further, Watershed reviewed and updated the entire comprehensive plan and refreshed its appearance. During the update process, Watershed helped the County to put on multiple open houses in different areas of the County to inform the public about the update and obtain feedback.

The Watershed Company also helped guide the update through the County review process, including presenting at Planning Commission and Board of County Commissioners’ meetings on the project.

Services Provided

  • Planning

  • Comprehensive plan

  • Public Input